CS 315 Homework 6: XML

Assigned: 14 November 2018   Due: 7 December 2018

This homework assignment is to be done individually, not in pairs or other groups. Your completed assignment should be submitted using the Assignment Submission Page. You should submit (in one submission) the URLs of the various files involved. That means you should create a simple HW6 webpage that has links to all your files and submit the URL of that page.

  1. Design an XML document to store information about book publication. Information about books must include title, author names (first, middle, last for as many co-authors as there are), publisher (including publisher name, and ISBN number for the book), year of first publication and Library of Congress catalog number (just a string for our purposes). Both attributes and nested tags must be included. Make up sample data for at least 3 books.
  2. Write a DTD for the document described in the previous question with the following restrictions: the title, at least one author name, year of first publication and Library of Congress catalog number are required. But middle names of authors are optional. Give me a version of your XML data file with the DTD indicated at the top using a working DOCTYPE, so that I can validate your page just as you should validate your page.
  3. Create a CSS style sheet for the XML document you have created that displays the information in a reasonably readable way. Hook this up to your page, so that I can see what the displayed document looks like.