CS 315 Project Milestone 2: PHP

Assigned: 6 October 2017   Due: 23 October 2017

The second Milestone for your project requires you to augment your site with PHP. The focus for this milestone is on giving the user ways to interact with your site and affect the information that they receive. For most of you this will probably happen through the use of form data that is processed by PHP programs, resulting in dynamically constructed web pages. As part of this assignment you need to consider security issues for your site. Exactly what this means depends on how your site interacts with users.

Where possible your pages should use valid HTML5 syntax. You should validate your pages using the W3 validator as described in class. You should primarily use an external style sheet, with inline or document styles as needed for particular documents. When you need to use something that won't validate, you should clearly indicate what you are doing. Gratuitously nonvalidating pages are not acceptable. Note that this applies to your dynamically created pages, as well as your static pages.

Your project will be evaluated based on its adherence to the requirements, its demonstration of your understanding of a reasonable amount of PHP, its use of well-written, well-documented PHP code and the level of creativity is exhibits.

Turn in your submission using the Assignment Submission Page for this class. Be sure that your submitted URL will remain stable while I am grading it, even if you have moved on to later parts of your project. For this milestone I will again ask that you also give me a link to a short document that describes what you have done with PHP on your pages and any design decisions and compromises you have made. This annotation page should also link to accessible versions of your PHP scripts so that I can look at them. Accessible means that they have the extension .phps as discussed in class.