Really old links relating to positioning

that might accidently have something useful, but probably don't. There are a couple of links I like to show, so I leave them around.

Absolute vs. Relative positioning

Compare absolute within absolute positioning to relative within absolute positioning.

More positioning

You can use absolute positioning to put text behind other text.

Useful relative positioning

You can use relative positioning to establish a context for absolute positioning.

Moving images around

You can move an image around by changing its top and left positions.

Visibility of elements

You can toggle the visibility of an element at will.

Moving objects around the window

This isn't the greatest example ever, but begins to show how to move objects around. Note this is not XHTML at all.

Pull down menus

One nice thing to do with Javascript is pulldown menus. This example should even work in older browsers, because the menus would just be visible all the time.

Sliding menus

Another way to do menus is to toggle their visibility as in this example. Note that this is 1.0 Strict.

(Totally unrelated) image maps and roll overs

I haven't shown you a document with an image map before, so here is one. This uses mouse rollovers to change the image too, which is certainly not required. Here is my local XHTML 1.0 Strict version of this that sometimes doesn't work for reasons that I ddon't understand.