Original Array

[Fred] => 310
[Al] => 27
[Gandalf] => wizzard
[Betty] => 42
[Frodo] => hobbit

Array sorted with sort

[0] = hobbit
[1] = wizzard
[2] = 27
[3] = 42
[4] = 310

Array sorted with sort and SORT_NUMERIC

[0] = wizzard
[1] = hobbit
[2] = 27
[3] = 42
[4] = 310

Array sorted with rsort

[0] = 310
[1] = 42
[2] = 27
[3] = wizzard
[4] = hobbit

Array sorted with asort

[Frodo] = hobbit
[Gandalf] = wizzard
[Al] = 27
[Betty] = 42
[Fred] = 310

Array sorted with arsort

[Fred] = 310
[Betty] = 42
[Al] = 27
[Gandalf] = wizzard
[Frodo] = hobbit

Array sorted with ksort

[Al] = 27
[Betty] = 42
[Fred] = 310
[Frodo] = hobbit
[Gandalf] = wizzard

Array sorted with krsort

[Gandalf] = wizzard
[Frodo] = hobbit
[Fred] = 310
[Betty] = 42
[Al] = 27