CS 480 Homework 3

Assigned: 17 April 2023   Due: 24 April 2023

This homework problem is to be done individually, not in pairs or other groups. Please submit your solution through Blackboard.

  1. (Just to be clear, this data is completely made up. There is no such correlation in real life.)

    A doctor says that an infant who predominantly turns her head to the right while lying on her back will be right-handed and one who predominantly turns her head to the left will be left-handed. Given that 90% of the population is right-handed, what is baby Maggie's probability of being right-handed, given that she predominantly turns her head to the left assuming that the test is 90% accurate? What if the test is 80% accurate? Show your work and explain your results.

    Note that you will probably want to use the normalization result:

        P(m|s) = P(s|m)P(m) / (P(s|m)P(m) + P(s|not m)P(not m))